Retas studio paintman
Retas studio paintman

Remembering to uncheck this option for you be able to work with transparency. I will export into a sequence of PNG, which can be useful for me to work in programs like Photoshop or After Effects. Here are other interesting options that you're exploring. So it is good to make a thin line for separation. When you paint and leave this option checked, it will automatically delete the line to use for the separation. You must always make sure to leave this option checked regarding the color separation that you will use. This is the option you'll use most, it is the tool bucket. Here, I'll zoom in for you to see how it looks. In the Paintman is not appearing in this option. here i don't know why isn't showing up, but in Stylos you come here in the Display specific shadow layer. Now click in File > Open > Scene Folder and open the folder exported. As you can see he created these files here. Let it this options marked and click OK Now we go to the Paintman. All the process will bring to this window. I can come here on File > Export > Painting. This will only serve to help me to know the part that will be dark and clear. Now here with the selected color, I'll 'paint' ( in quoted) the parts that will be the shadow. I prefer by clicking here and using the shortcut keys to change the frame. Only by clicking here, or you can come here in Cel > Create a Shadow Markup. I already could export it to Paintman, but what I like to do before is a shadow markup. This helps to get more accurate separation. It is always good to use a thinner line than you were using. I'll use the blue and the curve tool to do the separation. And the layers of color separation, which can easily be edited here. This helps to make things separate, I can rename the layers as well. I can even add new layers to be able to make one hair for example. I can do several things here in the Layer Palette. Let's take a look here at the Layer Palette. Some people ask me how I leave the settings. I'll open the project I had worked before. We will be using Stylos for do the shadow markup and then coloring in Paintman. This time I'll be talking about the colorization on the Paintman. And we'll be giving our continuing series of tutorials Retas Studio.

retas studio paintman

It was developed and sold by Celsys, and is available for both Mac OS X. RETAS is a type of 2D animation software. RETAS STUDIO combines PaintMan, CoreRETAS, Stylos, TraceMan, and other RETAS (Revolutionary Engineering Total Animation System) suits into a single software.

retas studio paintman

After you select RETAS STUDIO in the list of programs, some data regarding the program is made available to you.

retas studio paintman

If it is installed on your PC the RETAS STUDIO application will be found very quickly. Scroll the list of programs until you find RETAS STUDIO or simply click the Search field and type in 'RETAS STUDIO'.

Retas studio paintman